Monday, December 21, 2009

Huge drama!!!

Just the way we love it!!!!
And here's one of my faves dramz, stolen straight from stickydrama. [to listen to the actual raw vocals go to]

Thanks to Sin Synthetic for sending Sticky and me the HORRIBLE raw vocals for”Wind Me Up,” a track from Brandon Hilton’s upcoming album. We love this shit! Sin told us the backstory via email:

Brandon Hilton comes along prostituting himself for me to produce a song for him. At first I liked him… but his constant lies began to eat at me. The last straw was when he posted a pic of him and Lady Gaga together as a cover of a CD ( which the picture was taken right from ELLE magazine and he was just photoshopped in) and began telling everyone he was recording a new song with Lady Gaga.

I simply tweeted:
I’m tired of certain people lieing about their upcoming album. – someone asked if I was referring to Brandon Hilton. I replied with a simple “yep”. That’s when he lost his shit calling me a Tranny Faggot. I attached the picture of the direct messages.

Here are the emails if that helps: I find if funny how in it he says he has no respect for Britney and would never do a song with “old ass tranny Madonna” for real WTF????


12/16/2009 9:16 PM

To: Sin Synthetic (

You’re absolutely right my last name IS Hilton? And your point is? I can’t help how I was born!

And I guess you expect me to believe your birth name is Sin? Or Synthetic? Please give me a break!

PS – Stop trying to get cute with me on twitter, you’re making yourself look like an idiot!
PPS- Glad you love the single cover for my song with Gagaloo, I’m awarewhere the photo is from, what does that have to do with anything? Ididn’t make it, I’m photoshop retarded! Thankfully I have amazingpeople who are great at it!


—————– Original Message —————–
From: Sin Synthetic
Date: Dec 16, 2009 8:25 PM

Really you want to talk to me about rip off…. Your last name is HILTON… talk about riding someones coat tails.

—————– Original Message —————–
To: Sin Synthetic (
Date: Dec 16, 2009 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: RE:

Calling someone a liar when they are not, makes you just as ignorant as well.

I’d like to see anyone try and knock MY teeth down my throat. I thought you were better.

Really one of your songs is a fucking Marilyn Manson leaked beat, you rip off Jeffree Star and Adam Lambert, please.

Iauditioned for Season 2 of BFF I never once said I made it, I infactdid leave for a week to meet and audition in LA with Don Ofir, therewas no lie, it was Paris herself who said I’d be in Season 3.

Ithink I’ve proved myself to all these jealous faggots I don’t care whatanyone has to say to me or what they think, I walk all over them, beenther done it, past it!

I have no respect for Britney and I don’twish to do a song with old ass tranny Madonna. I am however workingwith Gaga who is a friend of mine, (in case you haven’t noticed) andyou’ll look just as stupid as everyone else who’s doubting me when thesong comes out!


—————– Original Message —————–
From: Sin Synthetic
Date: Dec 16, 2009 10:56 AM

Firstoff… 2 faced: You told me that you were leaving for a week to shootwith MTV Paris Hilton’s BFF. Then you later stated in a blog that theydidn’t get your tape in on time. So why did you tell me you wereleaving for a week. You lied to me. And really… Lady Gaga… whynot Madonna and Britney while your at it?

I don’t pay for plays or whatever your talking about… so I don’t know where you got that from. Who’s image am I ripping off?

IfI was wrong about something you should have just confronted me like aman. If your not lieing about the Paris Hilton thing and the Lady Gagathing then I would have publicly apologized… I’m not to proud to dothat. However, calling me a TRANNY FAGGOT… really… your just asbad as the people that bash on you with gay hate.

That just shows your ignorance…

—————– Original Message —————–
To: Sin Synthetic (
Date: Dec 15, 2009 6:45 PM

Iwould have loved to be friends with you, but I DONT do internet shittalking, and I greatly have no respect for anyone who is 2-faced, andespecially artists who rip off other peoples style and sound.

Try making a song that doesnt rip off someone elses image.

Also,whore trains, paying for plays and views does not make you a legitartist, everything you have is not based on any talent, try carryingyourself by your own writing and talent. And focus a little more onyour image and production before talking shit about someone elses!

I’ve really lost all respect for you!

I thought you were different!

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